Politics poultice?
Watching the insanity? You are a liberal, a conservative, a moderate or very apathetic. Most people are too busy to give a rip until last minute. People vote or looks, race, but mostly on traditional party lines.
The acrimony between tea baggers and liberals is simply astounding. Make that between conservatives, tea baggers and generally the GOP membership and left wingers, it is, in this bloggers opinion, stupid and blind idiocy! Check your American history! The vying between the liberals and conservatives has historically created legislation of a moderate nature. This is dichotomy of our system. It has worked for over 200 years. That is until we have allowed our Presidents to sign legislation from the Oval Office. We have also allowed ourselves to become vocal and riotous in the divisions between parties. We at one time referred to the other party as the "Loyal Opposition" now we scream and curse one another? What happened?
Many party members lost God and let their party become their religion. They hallelujah even stupid moves by their parties. The level or fervor is akin to major sports events. Wow! Who knew? Griping has escalated to sniping, and flat out hiring of psych warfare consulting firms to twist the truth or just plain lie about opponents. We are at fault for allowing this to occur without raising our voices. The Congress and Senate have taken on a separate and unequal status as some sort of invested political nobility. They have different insurance, lifetime salaries, after one full term, it is legal for them to get insider trading information from companies or lobbyists. What happened to serve your term, do your duty, go home and get a job!
That is how it was intended. Now we have wealth and power sucking career politicians who have no connection to us. Us? The tax payers, working public, and retirees. I urge you to think about parties... no, not issues, parties and who is in control of them. As voters you can change the system by your letters, calls and votes. Get engaged contact your Congresspeople and Senators. I do when an issue concerns me.
The Scarred Poet
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